CIA exam virtual
learning courses
CIA exam virtual learning courses
Fowler & Company and Gleim are working together to bring you an amazing CIA Exam Prep Course! We are excited to offer you several options to study and prepare to take the CIA Exam. Each option includes virtual learning lectures, CPE hours and the Gleim Premium Study Materials. Click on the links below to find out more about each course
- CIA Exam Part 1
- start date: 7/6/2020
- cost: $480.00 + shipping/handling
- click here to learn more about CIA Exam Part 1
- CIA Exam Part 2
- start date: 8/3/2020
- cost: $480.00 + shipping/handling
- click here to learn more about CIA Exam Part 2
- CIA Exam Part 3
- start date: 8/31/2020
- cost: $610.00 + shipping/handling
- click here to learn more about CIA Exam Part 3
- CIA Exam Bundle
- start date 7/6/2020
- cost: $1,240.00 + shipping/handling
- click here to learn more about the CIA Exam Bundle
Bundle: all three parts purchased together for a discount