our mission
We are heart centered internal auditors providing a full range of internal audit, compliance, and training services to protect and transform our clients to make them even better. We provide transformational services to bring innovation to Internal Auditors and Internal Auditing. We help our clients to truly create value for their companies and to become strategic partners while achieving their goals and dreams.
In the past, Internal Auditors were often viewed as a “necessary evil”. We want to be viewed as a company physician or healer.
The best health care providers discuss and recommend preventative solutions – services that keep people from needing care for conditions that can be avoided with proper attention and healthy, daily practices. The healthiest people don’t wait to see a doctor until there is an emergency, they take simple, basic steps to become and remain healthy individuals. Whether we talk about the health of an individual or the health of a business, one thing remains true; it is important to perform regular check-ups to evaluate health and identify any potentially serious conditions early in their development.
internal audit career academy
Wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into?
Not feeling like you are the “expert” everyone expects you to be?
Not advancing your career fast enough with all the skills you need to master?
Wondering if you’re in the right place or if anything you do makes a difference?
Want to be viewed as a resource instead of an intrusion?
We developed (The) Internal Audit Career Academy, where you learn the competencies that allow you to be clear about where you are going.
- Receive growth strategies and the best practices you didn’t know existed.
- Mentoring and guidance from successful auditors.
- Learn from other auditor’s best practices and experiences.
- Work with proven templates and processes.
In addition, you have the opportunity to set goals and gain clarity with other auditors twice a year at a live event filled with meetings and networking opportunities.

how do we help?
We’ll teach you the “Tricks of the Trade” that have been the secret to our success for over 30 years in the industry. We’ll share with you our processes and templates used in our business every day; as a result, you will notice a reduction in the learning curve while still allowing you to create a sense of partnership between you and your client. In addition, you benefit from our proprietary practices such as:
Just as early detection of a genetic disease exponentially increases the chances of long-term survival, detecting financial mistakes early reduces waste, increases profitability, and helps avoid major (or even crippling) financial illness. Early detection measures can help you discover a growing problem before it metastasizes into something that requires your immediate intervention.
A well-patient visit gives professionals the opportunity to assess you for the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, thereby giving you the opportunity to take steps to minimize the likelihood of these conditions actually occurring. In the same way, regular internal auditing can also illuminate risk factors that could jeopardize future organizational health.
Routine internal auditing decreases the likelihood of fraud occurring within or outside of your organization. A strong auditing program in place discourages those who would attempt systemic fraud and provides documentation for prosecuting those who attempt to engage in fraudulent activity.
Internal audits are an excellent way to analyze the quality and effectiveness of processes and procedures. This is akin to examining your daily activities and recognizing actions that are hazardous to your health. Maintaining that responsibility away from the departments who create the processes and procedures is vital. In doing so, the risk of bias or oversight is greatly reduced. As we all know, when you work too closely to something, it becomes more difficult to see flaws and areas of concern.
Fresh eyes behind the auditing process allows the observations and conclusions to be as impartial as possible. Internal Auditors eyes are more likely to identify potential pitfalls and suggest proper treatment at an early stage. Impartiality is crucial to the many shareholders who expect unbiased, accurate, comprehensive financial information, and analysis. It is particularly critical when formal, regulatory audits occur, as many regulators will be less suspicious and quicker in their own examinations if they know internal audits have been performed by a respected auditing agency.
As you can witness, there are a lot of pieces to being a successful internal auditor and each component has its own minor challenges. This may seem overwhelming but you have nothing to worry about, we are here to guide you along the way.
The goal of an internal auditor is to help our clients operate their business more effectively and more efficiently. We are here to help them tighten up their procedures and controls so that they do not experience compliance issues, security breaches, or missteps in the handling of sensitive information. As internal auditors, we consider ourselves an essential partner in their business.
We believe auditors can be strong partners to the organizations they serve. This is the main reason we decided to launch the Internal Audit Career Academy (IACA). Join us with other internal auditors to learn the competencies that will allow you to create a clear vision for your career and department (and even your life). Then you can show up even stronger for your organization while achieving your personal and departmental goals.